Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pinterest projects

Thanks to a friend who hosted a Pinterest party last weekend, I was able to finish a pair of cribsheets and a boppy cover for Baby #2 last weekend! And because last weekend was so productive, I felt motivated to tackle another project for Z that has been on my to-do list for awhile.  I've been wanting to make a teepee like the ones I've seen on a bunch of different blogs over the last couple years.  So I finally just hunkered down today...and with the help of my it done! Here are some pictures of the finished projects!

The crib sheet tutorial can be found here.

  The fabric I had was not wide enough so I had to add additional fabric to increase the width.  I didn't have enough of the fabric I wanted to use for the sheet below, so I improvised and figured the mismatched fabric wouldn't show when I put it on the crib mattress.   

The Boppy cover tutorial can be found here.

I used the directions for the teepee from this blog.


  1. Teepee looks great!! So glad the tutorial was helpful :)

    1. Thanks so much! Your directions were great :)
